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Inspired Quilting for Special Needs
Welcome to my Free Weighted Pocket Quilt e-Course!
Welcome to my Weighted Pocket Quilt Course (0:33)
What's a Weighted Pocket Quilt?
What is a Weighted Pocket Quilt?
Weighted Pocket Quilts provide increased accessibility to those who are required to sit.
Weighted Pocket Quilts can overcome challenges for those whose only option is to sit.
Follow these instructions to make your Weighted Pocket Quilt today.
Weighted Pocket Quilt General Instructions
Weighted Pocket Quilt Pattern
Finishing and Binding Your Weighted Pocket Quilt
Last step to finish.
Where to find weighted poly beads for your new Weighted Pocket Quilt
Where to Buy your Poly Beads
Idea Gallery of Weighted Pocket Quilts
Quillow conversions to Weighted Pocket Quilts
Pocket Quillow Pattern
Thank you for taking this course!
Thanks for joining me! (1:02)
Please post your Weighted Pocket Quilt to Instagram #inspisredweightedpocketquilt
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What is a Weighted Pocket Quilt?
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